Sauces Workshop

Great Chefs are known for their sauces. A good sauce can make a dish stand out, and this workshop we’ll help you to refine your sauce making skills. We will make the 5 French mother sauces: Bchamel, Veloute, Tomato, Espagnole, and Hollandaise. Then we will make variations of the 5 mother sauces. We will also make 5 dishes to accompany our sauces Menu: Sun-Dried Tomato and Chicken Crostini (Veloute Preparation) Green Beans with Tomato Sauce (Tomato Sauce Preparation) Baked Rigatoni with Prosciutto (Bchamel Preparation) Pan Roasted Chicken with Wild Mushroom Sauce (Espagnole Preparation) Steak Oscar (Hollandaise Preparation) $90 per person plus tax